Notice inviting quotations for repairing Godrej make revolving chairs. Dt. 24/01/2025.
Circular regarding filing of cases/applications. Dt. 26/12/2024.
Bid for disposal of unserviceable IT equipment. Dt. 20/12/2024.
Office Order regarding revised Roster of the Benches. Dt. 09/12/2024.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 03/12/2024.
Bid for disposal of obsolete & unserviceable Fixed Assets items. Dt. 24/10/2024.
Office Order regarding revised Roster of the Benches. Dt. 15/10/2024.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 07/10/2024.
Office Order regarding CPGRAM Cell of this Commission. Dt. 30/09/2024.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 13/08/2024.
Circular regarding intimation of Hon'ble Supreme Court/High Court Orders. Dt. 31/07/2024.
Circular regarding National Lok Adalat. Dt. 21/07/2024.
Details of pay & allowances of officials during the FY 2023-2024.
Office Order regarding constitution of Committees for various purposes.
Order regarding transfers/postings.
Office Memorandum regarding the constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).
Office Order regarding Public Information Officers under Section 5 of the RTI Act, 2005.
Inviting quotations for customized printed plastic flags. Dt. 04/07/2024.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 01/07/2024.
Calling Quotations for printed Envelopes. Dt. 28/06/2024.
Inviting Sealed Quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle. Dt. 28/06/2024.
Notice inviting quotations for repairing of wooden chairs. Dt. 18/06/2024.
Inviting quotations for supply of uniform coat and tie for the Officers and Staff. Dt. 03/06/2024.
Notice Inviting Tender - Staff Canteen. Dt. 22/05/2024.
Extend the date of receipt of sealed quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle. Dt. 05/04/2024.
Extend the date of receipt of sealed quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle. Dt. 29/02/2024.
Notice inviting quotations for supply of uniform coat & tie. Dt. 08/02/2024.
Regarding half day closing on 22nd January, 2024. Dt. 18/01/2024.
Regarding partial modification of the Office Order No. 86 of 2023. Dt. 15/01/2024.
Extend the date of receipt of sealed quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle. Dt. 12/01/2024.
Inviting Sealed Quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle. Dt. 12/12/2023.
Slight modification of the Order dated 22nd August, 2023. Dt. 25/09/2023.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 22/09/2023.
Calling Quotations for printed Window Envelopes. Dt. 01/09/2023.
NCDRC shall remain closed from 08/09/2023 to 10/09/2023. Dt. 24/08/2023.
Order regarding filing of documents. Dt. 22/08/2023.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 05/08/2023.
Notice Inviting Tender - Staff Canteen. Dt. 10/07/2023.
Notice inviting Quotations/Bids for disposal of waste paper/raddi. Dt. 03/07/2023.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 18/06/2023.
Order regarding mandatory online filing through e-Daakhil Portal. Dt. 06/06/2023.
Notice inviting quotations for customised printed plastic flags. Dt. 01/06/2023.
Office Order regarding re-constitution of Benches. Dt. 12/05/2023.
Office Order regarding constitution of Benches. Dt. 09/05/2023.
Calling quotations for change of upholstery & cushion of the chairs. Dt. 03/05/2023.
Calling quotations for printed Envelopes and AD Cards. Dt. 27/04/2023.
Circular regarding Digital Copies of the judicial files. Dt. 27/04/2023.
Notice regarding public holiday on 14th April, 2023. Dt. 12/04/2023.
Regarding partial modification of the Office Order No. 23 of 2023 Dt. 24/03/2023.
Office Order regarding reconstitution of Benches Dt. 18/03/2023.
Notice inviting Quotations/Bids for disposal of waste paper/raddi Dt. 17/03/2023.
Notice regarding Hybrid Hearing in the Hon'ble Bench No. 6 for a period of one week Dt. 27/02/2023.
Office Order regarding Hybrid Hearing before the Registrar Dt. 01/02/2023.
Office Order regarding listing of matters Dt. 16/01/2023.
Office Order regarding listing of medical negligence matters Dt. 12/01/2023.
Office Order regarding listing of matters Dt. 01/11/2022.
Calling quotation for AMC Dt. 27/09/2022.
Notice regarding marking of appearance Dt. 06/09/2022.
Office Order regarding reconstitution of Benches Dt. 10/08/2022.
Office Order regarding fresh Roster of Benches Dt. 03/08/2022.
Office Order regarding fresh Roster of Benches Dt. 28/07/2022.
Office Order regarding fresh Roster of Benches Dt. 22/07/2022.
Notice regarding listing of matters Dt. 05/04/2022.
Circular regarding Amicus Curiae Dt. 18/02/2022.
Notice regarding physical hearing Dt. 15/02/2022.
Notice regarding hearing of matters Dt. 01/02/2022.
Notice Inviting Tender - Staff Canteen Dt. 21/01/2022.
Office order regarding listing of matters Dt. 20/01/2022.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 14/01/2022.
Office order regarding listing of matters Dt. 10/01/2022.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 03/01/2022.
Notice regarding listing of matters Dt. 31/12/2021.
Order regarding tender for outsourcing of staff Dt. 30/12/2021.
Notice regarding tender for outsourcing of staff Dt. 18/11/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of Hon’ble Bench No. 1, NCDRC Dt. 08/11/2021.
Notice regarding physical court hearing Dt. 28/10/2021.
Calling quotation for AMC Dt. 23/10/2021.
Notice inviting tender for outsourcing of staff Dt. 29/09/2021.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 29/09/2021.
Notice regarding release of unclaimed statutory deposits Dt. 21/09/2021.
Calling quotation for CCTV Cameras Dt. 21/09/2021.
Notice regarding observance of Muharram Dt. 17/08/2021.
Circular regarding listing of matters Dt. 06/08/2021.
Quotation for disposal of condemned vehicle Dt. 06/08/2021.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 30/07/2021.
Circular regarding fresh Bench Roster Dt. 14/07/2021.
Notice regarding hearing of matters Dt. 01/07/2021.
Circular regarding fresh Bench Roster Dt. 29/06/2021.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 26/06/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 23/06/2021.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 11/06/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 04/06/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 03/06/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 27/05/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 20/05/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 17/05/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 13/05/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 06/05/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 30/04/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 22/04/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 18/04/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 10/04/2021.
Notice regarding public holiday on 14/04/2021.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 06/04/2021.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 31/03/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 30/03/2021.
Circular regarding CAV Orders Dt. 02/03/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 26/02/2021.
Circular regarding filing of documents Dt. 15/02/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 05/02/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 28/01/2021.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 29/12/2020.
Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Dt. 24/12/2020.
Notice regarding non-receipt of VC Link / Pin Dt. 16/12/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 27/11/2020.
Notice regarding sittings of the Hon’ble Bench No. 1, NCDRC Dt. 09/11/2020.
Notice regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 03/11/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 29/10/2020.
Regarding Applications for Adjournment Dt. 05/10/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 30/09/2020.
Commencement of Online Filing in NCDRC Dt. 07/09/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 31/08/2020.
Notice regarding physical court hearing Dt. 27/08/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 31/07/2020.
Regarding Section 58(1) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 Dt. 20/07/2020.
Notice for opening of Registry on 18/07/2020.
Notice regarding conventional hearing (physical court hearing) Dt. 13/07/2020.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 26/06/2020.
Quotation for outsourcing of photocopying work Dt. 23/06/2020.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 09/06/2020.
Hearing of matters through Video Conferencing Dt. 02/06/2020.
Office order regarding hearing of matters Dt. 01/06/2020.
Office order regarding hearing of matters Dt. 18/05/2020.
Office order regarding prevention & control of COVID-19 Dt. 03/05/2020.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 23/04/2020.
Office order regarding functioning of NCDRC Dt. 18/04/2020.
Office order regarding prevention & control of COVID-19 Dt. 14/04/2020.
Office order regarding prevention & control of COVID-19 Dt. 28/03/2020.
Office order regarding limitation Dt. 24/03/2020.
Office order regarding prevention & control of COVID-19 Dt. 24/03/2020.
Office order regarding hearing of urgent matters Dt. 23/03/2020.
Benches to hear the urgent matters from 23.03.2020 to 15.04.2020 Dt. 20/03/2020
Adjournment of matters for the purpose of prevention & control of COVID-19 Dt. 16/03/2020.
Regarding Amicus Curiae Dt. 21/02/2020.
Regarding filing of First Appeal / Revision Petition Dt. 17/02/2020.
Cancellation of Circuit Bench sittings 2020 Dt. 29/01/2020.
Constitution of Fresh Bench Roster Dt. 24/12/2019.
Skill test for the post of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ Dt. 13/12/2019.
Bid for disposal of waste paper/raddi Dt. 22/11/2019.
Defer of Jodhpur, Rajasthan Circuit Bench Sittings Dt. 21/11/2019.
Providing & Fixing of Work Stations Dt. 15/11/2019.
Upcoming Circuit Bench sittings 2020 Dt. 14/11/2019.
Partial modification in upcoming Circuit Bench sittings Dt. 01/11/2019.
Partial modification in upcoming Circuit Bench sittings Dt. 23/09/2019.
Updated CPIO List Dt. 06/09/2019.
Upcoming Circuit Bench sittings Dt. 29/08/2019.
Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Dt. 05/08/2019.
Calling quotation for CCTV Cameras Dt. 29/07/2019.
Constitution of Benches during Summer Vacation Dt. 30/05/2019.
Regarding matters listed on non-working days Dt. 14/03/2019.
Regarding sitting of Bench Dt. 13/03/2019.
Regarding Non-Tax Receipt Portal Dt. 14/02/2019.
Regarding sitting of Bench Dt. 19/12/2018.
Constitution of ICC Dt. 19/12/2018.
Application for Amicus Curiae Dt. 04/12/2018.
Notice Inviting Tender - Staff Canteen Dt. 01/10/2018.
Tender for hiring of vehicle Dt. 15/07/2018.
Constitution of Benches during Summer Vacation Dt. 23/05/2018.
Notice Inviting Tender - Staff Canteen Dt. 04/04/2018.
Regarding sitting of Bench on 15th March 2018. Circular Dt. 14/03/2018.
Timings for public dealing Dt. 31/01/2018.
Bid for disposal of serviceable / unserviceable IT Equipment Dt. 29/01/2018.
Annual Maintenance Contract for IT Equipment Dt. 19/01/2018.
Quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle Dt. 20/12/2017.
Bid for disposal of serviceable / unserviceable items Dt. 20/11/2017.
Quotations for disposal of one condemned vehicle Dt. 20/11/2017.
List of CAV Rserved For More Than 45 Days
Nomination of CVO NCDRC Dt. 30/08/2017.
Notification for Inviting Quotations for File Covers Dt. 22/08/2017.
Notification for Inviting Quotations for Steel Racks and Almirahs Dt. 16/05/2017.
Notification for Inviting Quotations for Photocopy Machines Dt. 17/04/2017.
Notification for Inviting Quotations for File Covers Dt. 23/01/2017.
Notification for Inviting Quotations for Three Wheeler Dt. 11/01/2017.
Notification for Filing Document at National Commission Dt 23.12.2016
Holiday For Milad-Un-Nabi Has Been Shifted to 12th December, 2016
Opening of Financial Bids for Clerks,MTS,Housekeeping Staff and Security Guards
Holiday For Id-Ul-Zuha Has Been Shifted to 13th September, 2016
Quotation for Plastic Flags with Printing Regarding.
Opening of Tender of Clerks,MTS,Housekeeping Staff and Security Guards
Circular for Certified Copy of the Final Order
Notification for Panel of Amicus Curiae Dt. 27/05/2016
Tender of 1yr for services of Clerks,MTS,Housekeeping Staff and Security Guards
Circular RP Section
Translation of Vernacular Documents
Circular Dt 17.11.2011