The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), India is a quasi-judicial commission in India which was
set up in 1988 under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986. Its head office is in New Delhi.
The Commission is headed by a sitting or a retired Judge of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India or a sitting or a retired Chief Justice of an Hon'ble High Court,
in terms of Rule 3(12)(a) of the Tribunal(Conditions of Service) Rules, 2021.
The Commission is presently headed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Amreshwar Pratap Sahi, former Chief Justice of Patna and Madras High Courts.
Section 21 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 posits that the National Commission
shall have jurisdiction:- to entertain a complaint valued more than two crore
and also have Appellate and Revisional jurisdiction from the orders of State
Commissions or the District fora as the case may be.
Section 23 of Consumer Protection Act, 1986, provides that any person
aggrieved by an order of NCDRC, may prefer an Appeal against such order to Supreme Court of India within a period of 30 days.
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (In short,‘The Act’) is a benevolent
social legislation that lays down the rights of the consumers and provides
their for promotion and protection of the rights of the consumers. The first
and the only Act of its kind in India, it has enabled ordinary consumers to
secure less expensive and often speedy redressal of their grievances. By
spelling out the rights and remedies of the consumers in a market so far
dominated by organized manufacturers and traders of goods and providers of
various types of services, the Act makes the dictum, caveat emptor (‘Buyer
Beware’) a thing of the past.
The Act mandates establishment of Consumer Protection
Councils at the Centre as well as in each State and District, with a view to
promoting consumer awareness.The Central Council is headed by Minister In-charge
of the Department of Consumer Affairs in the Central Government and the State
Councils by the Minister In-charge of the Consumer Affairs... Read More

The Right to Information Act (RTI) is an Act of the Parliament of India "to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens" and replaces the erstwhile Freedom of information Act, 2002.The Act applies to all States and Union Territories of India except Jammu & Kashmir. Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen may request information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State") which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days. The Act also requires every public authority to computerise their records for wide dissemination and to proactively certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally.It is an initiative taken by the Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions... Read More